DEAF EXPO: NorthEastern University

We brought the Black & Purple (and left the rain behind) on Saturday the 30th. Congratulations for a successful event, Northeastern University’s ASL Program!

Thanks also goes out to ArtsBoston for the outstanding beta testing work they are doing with the accessibility programming feature on the new calendar. Find out what’s next in Audio Description Captioning and ASL interpreted Theatre arts!

VOX is working with ArtsBoston to make sure your “voice” is represented in what accessibility you want to perceive in the calendar!

*Representation and Cultural Competency matter in ALL of these areas of accessibility.

ArtsBoston Calendar

Vox booth.
Black male and White female stand behind a vendor table draped in hues of purple, littered with packs of candy, a TV monitor with The VOX website displayed, several Starbucks mugs, and an obnoxiously large LEGO minifigure’s storage unit head.


