Tag: AntiAbleism
ACE Act Hearing
An Act to improve accessibility within the creative economy, sponsored by Rep. Dan Donahue and Sen. Paul Mark, H.151/S.113, would establish the Accessibility in the Creative Economy (ACE) Fund to be distributed through the Massachusetts Office on Disability and provide grants to organizations focused on the arts, culture, humanities, and interpretive sciences that would remove…
DEAF EXPO: NorthEastern University
We brought the Black & Purple (and left the rain behind) on Saturday the 30th. Congratulations for a successful event, Northeastern University’s ASL Program! Thanks also goes out to ArtsBoston for the outstanding beta testing work they are doing with the accessibility programming feature on the new calendar. Find out what’s next in Audio Description…
Embrace Salsa
In the true ideological intent of the social justice space that we were in, we held hands, and shimmied a wave of energy through our bodies. Deaf, Deafblind, Deaf disabled, neurotypical, neurodivergent, blind, chair users and afro indigenous people gathered to celebrate our humanity. We spoke of what is on the other side of the…
Check out Vox Interview with Sam Gould on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered and hear Sam and Arun Rath model best practices and self describe. View the article from NPR Audio Transcript: Arun Rath: This is GBH’s All Things Considered. I’m Arun Rath. Every Friday, we like to bring you some joy from local communities…
Kennedy Center Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disabilities (LEAD)
“The LEAD conference not only introduces those new to the field to cultural accessibility solutions, but provides ongoing learning, support, camaraderie, and inspiration—necessary fuel for anyone working to change the status quo. LEAD offers: One-of-a-kind professional development, Access to ideas, Access to experts, Networking, Practical Information and Experiential Opportunities.” VOX was a partner in…
Mike Tobia Award for Community Leadership
Congratulations to President Sam Gould Kriveshko recipient of the Acton Boxborough United Way Mike Tobia Award for Community Leadership June 13 2023. The Award in honor and memory of Mike Tobia, recognizes an outstanding Community Leader, dedicated to serving residents’ needs with compassion and dignity, while fostering a sense of belonging for all.
Ask Me Fair
The Ask Me Fair is a Living Library type of event, which was a Joint Venture with Open Door Theater, The Sargent Memorial Library and Danny’s Place. Children are invited to ask questions, listen to, and converse with awesome presenters from a wide range of backgrounds, who are happy to share their stories and life…