Tag: Event

  • Kennedy Center Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disabilities (LEAD)

    Kennedy Center Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disabilities (LEAD)

    “The LEAD conference not only introduces those new to the field to cultural accessibility solutions, but provides ongoing learning, support, camaraderie, and inspiration—necessary fuel for anyone working to change the status quo.  LEAD offers: One-of-a-kind professional development, Access to ideas, Access to experts, Networking, Practical Information and Experiential Opportunities.”   VOX was a partner in…

  • Ask Me Fair

    Ask Me Fair

    The Ask Me Fair is a Living Library type of event, which was a Joint Venture with Open Door Theater, The Sargent Memorial Library and Danny’s Place. Children are invited to ask questions, listen to, and converse with awesome presenters from a wide range of backgrounds, who are happy to share their stories and life…